The 利昂县警长办公室 金融罪案组 is dedicated to the detection and apprehension of fraud related crimes against the citizens of 利县. 这些罪行包括挪用公款, 银行诈骗, 诈骗, 信用卡诈骗, 电脑欺诈, 经济剥削老人/残疾人和其他白领犯罪. 金融罪案组亦对电脑及相关外设进行法证分析. 该小组活跃于北佛罗里达网络犯罪特遣部队和infragguard. 网络犯罪特遣部队是由本地, 状态, 以及联邦机构打击利用互联网实施的犯罪. Infraguard is a joint effort between 政府ernment 年龄ncies and the public in cybercrime detection, 调查, 和预防. The 金融罪案组 also participates in the Fraud-Net e-mail alert system which is sponsored by the Florida Bankers Association. 该系统允许侦探们共享信息和情报, 关键可疑数据, 以及来自21个州和波多黎各的其他调查人员的照片.
金融犯罪组与Big Bend诈骗案组合作 & 由金融机构代表组成的防伪工作小组, 执法 and corporate/零售 security who meet once a month to discuss incidents occurring in our area to prevent future acts of fraud.
该组的两名侦探是注册欺诈审查员(CFE). The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners is a professional organization which certifies financial crimes investigators from the public and private sector. The course includes over 50 hours of study material and a four part examination consisting of 600 questions. 金融犯罪股参加了塔拉哈西特种部队分会.
The 利昂县警长办公室 金融罪案组 is dedicated to the detection and apprehension of criminals who commit fraud against the citizens of 利县.
The 大本德欺诈和伪造专案组 is a group of professional people and organizations formed as the result of the rising number of economic crimes perpetrated against the business and 银行ing communities of the Big Bend area. 由于这些犯罪的复杂性质, 执法, 银行和商业界需要一种交换信息的方式, explain the problems faced by each member and reduce the economic loss suffered by business and 银行ing as well as ensuring successful criminal prosecution.
The 大本德欺诈和伪造专案组 members usually meet on the second Tuesday of every month. These meetings assist the 大本德欺诈和伪造专案组 in developing and maintaining ties between financial, 零售, 企业安全, 执法和司法. 任何符合会员资格的人都可以成为会员, 其中之一就是银行业务领域的就业, 零售, 企业安全, 执法或司法.
每个组织的会员费为每年50美元. 然后,每个成员的员工都可以参加会议. 大本德欺诈和伪造特别工作组邀请您成为会员.
For more information about the Task Force contact Beth Parramore, Secretary/Treasurer via e-mail at bparramore@fmb银行.com.
- "我们怀疑您的账户有未经授权的交易. 以确保您的帐户不被泄露, 请点击下面的链接并确认您的身份."
- “在我们的常规账户核查中,我们无法核实您的信息. 请按此更新及核实您的资料."
你收到过类似的邮件吗? It’s a scam called “phishing” — and it involves Internet fraudsters who send spam or pop-up mess年龄s to lure personal information (credit card numbers, 银行账户信息, 社会安全号码, 密码, 或其他敏感信息)从毫无戒心的受害者.
根据联邦贸易委员会(FTC), 国家消费者保护机构, phishers send an email or pop-up mess年龄 that claims to be from a business or organization that you may deal with (for example, 互联网服务提供商(ISP), 银行, 网上支付服务, 甚至是政府机构). 该消息可能会要求您“更新”、“验证”或“确认”您的帐户信息. 一些网络钓鱼邮件威胁说,如果你不回复,后果会很严重. 这些信息将你引导到一个看起来像合法组织网站的网站. 但事实并非如此. It’s a bogus site whose sole purpose is to trick you into divulging your personal information so the operators can steal your identity and run up bills or commit crimes in your name.
- If you get an email or pop-up mess年龄 that asks for personal or financial information, do not reply. 也不要点击邮件中的链接.
- 使用杀毒软件和防火墙,并及时更新.
- 不要用电子邮件发送个人或财务信息.
- Review credit card and 银行 account statements as soon as you receive them to check for unauthorized charges.
- 小心打开任何附件或下载你收到的电子邮件中的任何文件, 不管谁送的.
- 转发垃圾邮件,即网络钓鱼信息 以及在钓鱼邮件中假冒的公司、银行或组织.
- 如果你认为自己被骗了,可以在 www.联邦贸易委员会.政府,然后访问联邦贸易委员会的身份盗窃网站 www.消费者.政府 / idtheft.
你可以学习其他避免电子邮件诈骗和处理欺骗性垃圾邮件的方法 www.联邦贸易委员会.政府 /垃圾邮件.
你也可以参观F.B.I.的消费者欺诈网站 www.美国联邦调查局.政府 / majcases /欺诈/ fraudschemes.htm.
信用卡诈骗给信用卡公司和持卡人造成的损失约为1亿美元.每年50亿美元. This is such a lucrative form of crime that some drug dealers have stopped dealing and have gone into the credit card racket. 小偷可以实施多种形式的信用卡欺诈, 合法持卡人,甚至是企业主.
Lost or stolen credit cards make up half of the losses incurred by credit card companies each year. 被盗卡的大部分是从持卡人的车辆中拿走的. 紧随其后的是在工作场所盗窃信用卡.
Not Received Items (NRI) are new or replacement cards that have been mailed to the proper individual, 但已被声称未收到. 从发卡机构到个人邮箱,卡片可以在任何地方被盗. 防止NRI遭受损失的几种安全措施是决斗约会, 卡激活和替代交付. 双重约会只允许卡在邮寄一个月后激活. 这让持卡人有时间报告卡未送达. Card activation requires the card holder to activate the card through a phone call before it can be used. 为了避免邮件中心的高损失,采用了其他递送方式. 私人航运公司使用安全设施,以确保没有员工盗窃.
欺诈性申请是指利用虚假信息获取银行卡. 使用真实姓名和虚假地址是欺诈申请的常见形式.
伪造和变造的信用卡是信用卡诈骗的另一种形式. Counterfeit cards are those that are illegally manufactured by persons other than an issuing 银行. Altered cards are genuine cards that have had it's properties changed by mechanical or electronic means. Embossed numbers can be flattened allowing reprinting and magnetic strips can be re-encoded to match or not to match the new number on the front.
Unauthorized use or no card present fraud are some of the easiest types of 信用卡诈骗 to commit. 这些犯罪被称为“moto”犯罪,即“汇票、电话单”。. This is the ordering of merchandise in which the merchant only gets a credit card number and never verifies the validity of the card or looks at a signature.
Since 信用卡诈骗 is prevalent in today's society we must take steps to secure our credit cards. 像对待同等价值的货币一样对待信用卡. 记住一张5000美元的信用卡.00美元的限额可以像5000美元一样使用.00现金. Also remember losses by credit card companies are passed from the credit card companies to the 消费者.